A Summary of Anxiety Disorders, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Coping with Anxiety

Anxiety symptoms can be extremely difficult to bear. The dilemma of every anxiety sufferer is this: they cannot control the fear, and they find it difficult to talk about it. They know that help is around, in the people that show concern, and in the self help tools that are readily available to them. But there’s no quick fix for anxiety, especially with all these things to consider.

So, what can a sufferer do while he’s moving towards recovery? What can be done about the symptoms that threaten to disrupt his efforts at any time? The answer is to cope.

Coping with anxiety is not the same as curing the disorder. But coping will have to do until you find the lasting cure that works for you.

Top 5 Ways to Cope With Anxiety

1. Stop the Blame

The best thing to do if you want to cope with anxiety is to stop blaming yourself or another person for this disorder. Do not agonize about how things turned out this way. Don’t put blame on yourself and on anyone else. If there’s a situation that forced you into this state of mind, thinking about that situation will only sink you deeper into the bottomless well of anxiety.

2. Stay Positive

A positive attitude is possible even when all you can think about is the negative. Saying ‘things are not so bad’ can be a positive force. A constructive mental state is not something grand, and it’s not an automatic thing. You will have to focus your energy to identify the positive forces around you and cultivate them. When you see things positively, you will feel better, and that’s great for your recovery.

3. Take Small Steps

Habits are hard to break, and being anxious is no exception. Because you know that your panic attacks can come at random, the first step is to stop worrying about the next time they will come. The thing is, panic attacks are not always emotional in nature. You can take small steps to prevent the next from ever happening by staying healthy. Regulate your diet, sleep well and listen to your doctor.

4. Trust that You Can Recover For Good

Preparing for a panic attack won’t help you recover from anxiety, but trusting that you will get over this will. Don’t read stories about people that had a relapse after ten or so years. Their situation is different from yours.

5. Don’t Look for Short-term Solutions

Anti-anxiety drugs are created for a reason, and that’s for those who cannot cope with the symptoms of anxiety attacks. Before you give up on your efforts to cope and say you need medication, understand that the mere thought of coping without the use of drugs is a huge part of recovery. Drugs are enslaving and addictive, and given the desperation that comes with panic attacks, you may get hooked into using medication forever.

Coping with anxiety is actually possible and so many people have done it. Keep yourself busy and never let your anxiety get in the way of life.

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