When a person starts acting strange, there is a big chance that he may be suffering from mental instability. Mentally unstable people are not always those that should be led away in a straight jacket. Many anxiety-ridden individuals are like the rest of us, with jobs to keep them busy and with families that are constantly confused about the person’s behaviour. They’re not entirely incurable, either. These people need all the help they can get to ward off the panic. They may start to feel like there’s no one there for them if they keep struggling with anxiety alone.
It’s not enough to write it off as panic attacks. Panic attacks are just the penultimate representation of anxiety disorders. Not all people with anxiety disorders have panic attacks. In fact, a lot of people with anxiety problems keep to themselves and don’t ever show signs. But there are symptoms even when an individual tries to hide it. Some individuals don’t even know that they are showing these symptoms themselves.
5 Signs That You Have Anxiety Disorders
1. Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
There are some experts that link OC behaviour with anxiety disorders. Obsessive-compulsive individuals are at risk of developing extreme anxiety if they cannot control their impulse to make everything perfect. The need for chaos in a chaotic world would make a person with obsessive compulsive disorder feel like he’s frequently accosted by disorganized individuals. The chemical instability that may occur in the mind of a person with obsessive compulsive disorder may give way to anxiety attacks.
2. Paranoia
Like an obsessive compulsive individual, a paranoid person may have abnormal brain chemistry. He may end up thinking that something’s going to happen soon and no matter what he does, he cannot stop it from happening. Although he cannot exactly describe what kind of horrible event is going to take place, he just knows there will be something like it in the near future. This line of thinking may prevent him from really enjoying his time with his family. He is constantly on the alert and less able to function as a working member of society.
3. Nausea
If you know the feeling of queasiness right before a performance or a speech, then you understand what a person with generalized anxiety disorder feels. Unlike someone who feels some sort of anxiety on occasion, however, a person with anxiety disorders go beyond the normal apprehension and into something deeper. The fear itself can cause nausea at any time of the day. The person does not know the signs that he is going to throw up because of nervousness.
4. Jumpy
The brain’s fight-or-flight instinct is constantly activated in an anxiety-ridden person. This symptom of anxiety is an instinct that can make him do irrational things like hide when someone approaches, or drops his things whenever he feels threatened. This jumpiness can become chronic.
5. Isolated and Alone
Another symptom of anxiety is feeling the need to be alone. Needless to say, a person with anxiety disorders cannot face the possibility of having a panic attack in front of others, even if it’s just the next door neighbour. Having someone nearby may also be an issue because that person may be burdened when the sufferer starts acting up.